Напишу только что мне очень плохо и морально и физически и нет сил что-либо печатать сюда и выкладывать фото)))
Решила разве что опубликовать е-мэйл, который я отправила в ответ своей Испанке Паоле сегодня. и её мэйл предыдущий тоже. Многие вещи оттуда являются нашими разгонами и будут непонятны, да и сам мэйл на английском. Хотя ошибок уйма. Ибо состояние круче некуда, ога :3
Hello dear!!!
How are you?? I hope you are well. Today you have travelled to Dublin, haven´t you?? It´s nice, isn´t it?
Well I´m again in my city and the weather is awful, 40º C!! Puff...I said you that I won´t miss the Irish weather but I lied you jaja.
Today, when I woke up in my bed, the first thind I´ve thougth is in you. I love to be at home but I´m sure I´m going to miss a lot of
Waterford and the family, really!! Well, tell me how is the new student?? Is she beatiful?? But Justo is more beutiful ajajaj.
Yesterday in the airport I admited my feelings and show him my hand where is still written: " I Justo" jaja.
Do you want to come back to Russia?? Are you better with the family?? Have you spoken with Aoife?? Do you miss me??
Puffff, too may questions!! Pufff Pufff Puuufffff!!!
I loved you said me goodbye because you was the only Russian that did it. In the bus I was remembered our home in
Waterford and I started to cry!
Yoy have to enjoy a lot your last days in Ireland!! Plis, take a foto in the house and send me ok??
Tell me lots of things, I love you.
Hello my dear fox! I'm really sorry that I couldn't answer you before!
In fact, I feel terrible now. Do you want to know?
Shou-shou-shou! xDDD
At first I'm going to answer your questions.
Yes, trip to Dublin was really nice! I bought lots of things and spend lots of money xD
Besides souveniers, I bought new shoes, two new t-shirts and a new coat. I would like to show all this things, but....
All the days since you left were rainy. It was really strong rain and every night I could see the lake near our house...
Now I'm Russia already. And here is about +26-27 and sunny ^^Just imagine, after the first day we went out the weather became sunny! We brought the rain back to Russia and everybody happy besides us
The first day that I woke up in my bad I began to cry. But only a little. Oh...
I miss you.
So (shoushoushou xD), about new students. There are 2 Italian girls and 1 Spanish. They were nice...We were speaking and it was normal. But it was only for 1 day, so I don't know they well.
But they didn't want to drink anything at night! How strange they are xD
And that's why when I came home after the disco in Friday I just had my coffee alone...And the place near me was empty. It was terrible, really. And my coffe was really bitter and usual two sugars weren't enough to make it normal. You understand, I think...
The first morning without you I desided to drink your cola cao, 'cause Yvonne was sleaping I made all by myself. But in the evening there wasn't any cola cao...I don't know why, but I was up set about it.
And what happened when you showed Justo your hand? xDDD I can imagine his face!
Just open this link: sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs165.snc4...
Of course I didn't want to come back to Russia. I didn't speak to Aoife at all. So the last time I saw her was when she came downstears and told me "hi", 'cause I didn't see her before this day. And no more. Without any "good bye's". And did she write you by e-mail?
About Jo. In the last evening I just asked him if he was going to wake up to say goodbye to me. Btw, I left home in the 9am, not in the 5:30am like you. And he promised me to wake up and the last that he said was "see you tomorrow". He promised me, but he didn't. Like this...
Mishelle and Zoe didn't come to say good bye to me too. So, like this. I felt terrible about it, but I think they don't mind.
But now I'm really happy that I came to the bus to say goodbye to you.
What about Yvonne...She was the only one who said goodbye to me, I think. And...It was like this:
She was lifting me and girls to school and after that they went out from the car (without saying me simply "goodbye", of course) and I was sitting with her.
Because she was waiting for Richard. We were speaking and after a time she said "This is it, Anna."
She gave me two kisses and said "See you". And I went to school.
But after a time I realized that I forgot my lunch, but I desided not to sya Yvonne about it.
When I was sitting in my last lesson with Nestor she suddenly called me. But it was lesson and I couldn't answer her. And After that she send me a message saying: "Ann you forgot your lunch I'll pick it up".
And after lesson she was waiting for me outside the school... Just imagine, how happy I was.
She gave me two kisses again. And... This is it.
About Nestor. So...
As for the last time we began to spend time together. Like simply walking and speaking to each other. And it was really nice.
When we were in Dublin he suddenly asked me if it was my last day being here, but I told him that I've got Saturday and half of Monday.
And he told me that he's going to tell me something on Monday. I hope to see him on Saturday but I didn't met him, only other Spanish.
So on Monday morning I tried to spend all my time with him, 'cause I think he was the most closed to me, you know?
We were speaking and laughing and suddenly he said he like the way I smile. I answered just "thanks". At the lesson he was trying to say me smth, but he said only: "I must tell you, but I can't, but when I'll be in Spain..." And when I was drawing in his notes he told me: "I like your nails. and..."
And at this moment I said something stupid, I don't remember what it was, but nothing special. And that's all. I don't know...
At final, I huged him warmly and said that I'll miss him a lot. This is it.
It's not very comfortable to white here, in fact. I prefer to speak in facebook... Or maybe you will make a facebook just to upload some photos, pleaaaase???
I really want you to have a facebok!
I love you, dear!
Bye-bye there~
Forever yours, Ann.
Напишу только что мне очень плохо и морально и физически и нет сил что-либо печатать сюда и выкладывать фото)))
Решила разве что опубликовать е-мэйл, который я отправила в ответ своей Испанке Паоле сегодня. и её мэйл предыдущий тоже. Многие вещи оттуда являются нашими разгонами и будут непонятны, да и сам мэйл на английском. Хотя ошибок уйма. Ибо состояние круче некуда, ога :3
Решила разве что опубликовать е-мэйл, который я отправила в ответ своей Испанке Паоле сегодня. и её мэйл предыдущий тоже. Многие вещи оттуда являются нашими разгонами и будут непонятны, да и сам мэйл на английском. Хотя ошибок уйма. Ибо состояние круче некуда, ога :3